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MotorWeek Names Nissan Titan Drivers’ Choice Winner for Best Pickup Truck!

The all-new TITAN half-ton pickup was announced today as the "Best Pickup Truck" category winner of the MotorWeek 2017 Drivers' Choice Awards at the 2017 Chicago Auto Show. TITAN and the other Drivers' Choice winners will be featured in a special episode of MotorWeek, which will air on public television stations nationwide beginning February 11, 2017, and on Discovery's Velocity Network beginning February 21, 2017.

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On the Road Review: Nissan Titan XD Turbodiesel Pickup Truck

Heading out Route 6 from Lincoln, traffic counts dwindle swiftly, but the view out the windshield reveals numerous wind towers across the hilltops here and in Lee. The road surface starts to deteriorate — the obvious effects of countless logging trucks supplying the local industries — and the houses become few and far between. Nissan’s new Titan XD and I are getting deeper into remote Maine while really sampling how this new diesel pickup performs, handles and drives in less than perfect environments.

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